Who Is The Antichrist?
who is the antichrist?
Who is the Third King?
Eschatology - Endtimes & Prophecy Forum The Endtimes & Prophecy Forum for the discussion of future events. No full preterist views. Partial preterists welcomed. |
First of all, this is not about politics. This is not about supporting or condemning Obama. It is possible that Obama could fulfill prophecy of the end times and yet he can still be a decent man. It is possible that his fulfilling prophecy is merely a sign or a road marker and yet Obama is a chosen vessel of God. This is simply trying to look at prophecy with an open mind without any regard to politics. We must keep an open mind as prophecies are fulfilled because it is extremely unlikely that we can be correct about everything. If we develop firm opinions about how things will play out, we will sometimes be wrong. One error leads to many more until we are completely off target, and caught completely off guard as the end plays out. For example, it is widely believed that the ten kings mentioned in the book of Daniel are the remnants of the Roman Empire and they are nations in Europe. This could be true; however, it is possible that the ten kings are Muslims countries and are remnants of the former Arabian Empire. We need to remain open to this possibility...we need to remain open to all reasonable possibilities.
It should also be pointed out that it is possible that Obama is "Little Horn", but he is NOT the first or second beast of revelation. It is only an interpretation or an opinion that says that certain different prophecies must be fulfilled by the same person. __________________
I vote Yemen, but things haven't finished playing out yet. It is true that Obama forced Saleh to sign an agreement to give up power in order to keep American aid, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. __________________
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Originally Posted by Done222 I'm following your ideas, they are very interesting. You are absolutely right about how we must remain open to the future or be left behind standing like an frozen ice cube. Preconcieved ideas when they are not entirely correct are a real hinderance to Bible study.![]()
Did you also know that Barak and Hillary Clinton are the same regenerated Barak and Deborah from Judges Chapter four? Yes, and their victim is called Sisera who they have killed with a "nail in the head." In the modern regenerated version Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton have Osama Bin Laden killed with a "bullet in the head." In the book of Judges the Prophetes Deborah is living in Mt Ephraim. In today's regenerated Christian Isreal Ephraim is America.( many people think Ephraim is England) Ephraim was the 13th son just as America had at first 13 stars on it. Barak has certainly a role to play in these days of temptation. Rev.3;10 And so do the Moslems who claim to be descendants of Ishmael.The one who "jumps over three of his brothers" is the tribe of Judah. Reuben lost his claim when he defiled his father's bed. Simeon and Levi discraced their father when they tricked and massacured a neiboring tribe. So the tribe of Judah became destined to be king, to jump past his three older brothers. But then when Rachel had her maid concieve and got a son, she brough him immediately as her heir to the throne of his husband Israel. Judah and Dan have always been arch enemies to this day for this reason. Because Barak Obama is half of England and half from the headwaters of the Nile, so he is correspondent to Ephraim who was Joseph's son. Joseph's son Ephraim was half Israelite and half of the Egyptian Priest's daughter. Barak Obama was born of an English mother which is the tribe of Joseph. But his father was from the African Continent. So Ephraim in the Bible was the same correspondent type as Barak Obama is today. I think this has been pre-arranged for just this latter time. |
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I take the position that Antiochus Epiphanes IV was the forerunner of the anti-Christ. His was one of the 4 empires that came out of the death of Alexandria's Greek empire, the Seleucid Empire. In Daniels chapter 7 vision we find prophetic symbolism revealing the Roman empire, " Now we look at the other vision of Daniel where we find the little horn making an appearance. Antichrist: (The Criterion Collection) [Blu-ray]Learn more "While I was observing, behold, a male goat was coming from the west over the surface of the whole earth without touching the ground; and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes. He came up to the ram that had the two horns, which I had seen standing in front of the canal, and rushed at him in his mighty wrath. I saw him come beside the ram, and he was enraged at him; and he struck the ram and shattered his two horns, and the ram had no strength to withstand him. So he hurled him to the ground and trampled on him, and there was none to rescue the ram from his power. Then the male goat magnified himself exceedingly. But as soon as he was mighty, the large horn was broken; and in its place there came up four conspicuous horns toward the four winds of heaven. Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Beautiful Land. It grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth, and it trampled them down. It even magnified itself to be equal with the Commander of the host; and it removed the regular sacrifice from Him, and the place of His sanctuary was thrown down. And on account of transgression the host will be given over to the horn along with the regular sacrifice; and it will fling truth to the ground and perform its will and prosper." (Daniel 8:5–12, NASB95) In this vision the ram with 2 horns represents the Mede-Persian empires and the goat with the large conspicuous horn is Alexander of the Greek empire. At his peak he died young and 4 of his Generals divided the kingdom up into 4 empires. These are the 4 conspicuous horns that grew toward the 4 winds of heaven, Cassander,Lysimachus, Seleuchus, and Ptolemy who destroyed the 5th General Antigonus and fulfilled this portion of the prophecy. It is out of one of these 4 victors that another, a little horn came forth. This is Antiochus E. the IVth, the forerunner of the end times anti-Christ of the Selucid dynasty. From all this I believe that the territory this man controlled when juxtaposed over a map of the Roman Empires land mass will reveal from what countries we can expect the AC to arise. Looking at my favorite map in the ESV study Bible in Daniel chapter 8 and comparing it to my world map on the wall I find this. That the eastern part of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, and Azerbaijan seem to be the most likely candidates. They were controlled by both the Roman empire and the Selucid. These are all Islamic nations full of men who set themselves to war for the death of all Jews. They are commited, focused, capable and financed.The pattern has not changed much has it? I do not see any Biblical support for Yemen, Saudi, Eygpt, Barack Obama, the Pope or a Euro leader fitting the land area the Bible points to as from whence shall the anti-Christ arise. shalom and love, JE |
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Originally Posted by dfw69 ![]()
They are the three parts of the earth which has been inhabited by the descendants of Abraham's three sons.(Ishmael, Isaac and sons of Keturah) So in Isaiah 19;25 God blesses these three parts of Eurasia. "Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance." Isa.19;25 Hindu-Buddhism = Egypt Isalm = Assyria Christianity = Israel |
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Originally Posted by dana b ![]()
thank you for your reply dana.....egypt prime religion is hindu?...the land of assyria prime religion is islam?...and israel's prime religion is christianity?...... what if the land of assyria changes religion in the future? |
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Originally Posted by dfw69 ![]()
No one will be changing their religions in Eurasia over the next 1000 years. that is what the prophesy of Isa.19;25 says. During this last 7th millennium Eurasia will remain divided into these same three parts. This is what is meant by "the city will be divided into three parts." Rev.16;19 The "city" and a "country" are used interchangably in Heb.11;13-16 Eurasia is divided with a central desert Islamic strip separating the Christian Eurpean cultures from the Hindu-Buddhist ones in the east. Egypt is the name for Hindu-Buddhism because these religious cultures advocate a govenment of survival of the fittest. These are the descended Civilizations of Abraham's sons with Keturah. He sent them to the east with gifts. They arrived over the Hindu Kush mountains carring the beginnings of what became the Indian Vedic Culture. Gen.25;6 says he sent them "east with gifts." Egypt in the bible means "survival of the fittest type of govenment." Assyria means the law of Justice govenment. Israel is said in the bible to be God's inheritance. Therefore it is the govenment which followes the law from within each person's heart and mind. It was forecast to come about in Jer.31;31 and Heb.8;10 Over the next 1000 years the continent of Eurasia shall remain with the three traditional religious culture that it has developed over the past 6000 years. In Isaiah 19 we find more description of how it will be during this last millennium. It tells us below that there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria and they shall go back and forth between the two areas. But it does not say that the area of Israel will be involvec in this interchange. No, Israel, which is what Jesus spoke of as the regeneration of Israel, are the ones who followed Jesus nationally and culturally. It is the European Christian countries. They shall be a third of Eurasia but remain separate. The other two will mix as they are in "the pit" with the Serpent today. Rev.20;1 "In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. "In that day shall Israel be a third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land." Isa.19;23,24 |
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i will study what you have said to try to understand and get back to the post..... but if scripture states that he will be an assyrian ....isnt it safe to say that the future AC will be a son of shem that is, a son of Asshur?.... as far as he being a muslim or from islam i ask why?.......... Daniel 11:37 imo....there is a coming of a false messiah and a false millenium created by the mystery of Babylon ......and the doctrine of the mystery of Babylon will be over all the lands of the old roman empire territory......so when this false messiah and his talmud and torah laws come......they will rule the whole territory of Eurasia.....and 10 kings will make sure of it.....this will last a short space....ie many years when the true AC is born... his skys above him will be different than what it is now.....for he will be born in a time when the mystery of Babylon rules the world....and his fathers will worship the religion of that future time.... if you believe the AC is to come soon then yes you may have a case that he will be a muslem.....but if he is born at another time in another era....well chances are he will not be a muslim at all.....i dont believe the idea that the soon coming AC will be the real antichrist.....but a fake to usher in the age of the messiah.....
Last edited by dfw69; 14th February 2012 at 04:22 AM. |
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the third....could be Irac __________________
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